The CANS-MCI -- an easy-to-use computer-assisted, touchscreen, cognitive test for mild cognitive impairments

The Computer-Administered Neuropsychological Screen
for Mild Cognitive Impairment

Easily assess your patient’s cognitive health.
Gain higher reimbursements with the CANS-MCI.

  • Concussion Assessment

    The central changes in cognitive ability due to sports concussion are memory, cognitive processing speed, and reaction time — all measured at millisecond accuracy by the CANS-MCI. Our automated administration also eliminates the potential for either the deliberate or unintended bias of in-person testers. Comparison to baseline can be performed before risking a second concussion.
  • Tracking Cognitive Health

    The earlier your patients receive intervention to slow, stop, or reverse cognitive decline, the more likely treatments are to be successful and their cognitive health preserved. The CANS-MCI meets this need for affordable baseline and precise longitudinal tracking. It compares with gold standard neuropsychological exams at a tiny fraction of the cost.
  • A Complement to New Therapies

    With the introduction of new therapies that promise to slow Alzheimer’s disease, early detection of mild cognitive impairment is more important than ever. Accurate, affordable, and validated screening measures such as the CANS-MCI have an important role to play. Detecting pre-symptomatic changes in cognition can help doctors assess the need for patient biomarker testing.
  • Preclinical Diagnosis of AD

    Biomarker research finds CANS-MCI performance predicts both elevated Aβ and tau.  The CANS-MCI captures item-level response times at millisecond accuracy and can detect patterns of delay associated with the preclinical stage of AD.  To read more about this research, click here.

Professionally evaluated

Results are reviewed and scored by qualified healthcare professionals.

Reliable & valid

Proven accuracy at levels similar to full neuropsychological workups.


CPT codes 96132, 96136 and 96137.

Timely reports

Comprehensive, easy-to-read reports are sent back to the practice within an hour.


Useful as a single baseline screen, or for precise evaluation of longitudinal changes.

Fairly priced

Unlike current industry norms, pay for tests only after they are performed.

The CANS-MCI leads in early detection and awareness of impending dementia.


Eight distinct tests administered in a single session.


Takes 30 minutes or less, even for those who are impaired.


Available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese

No computer skills required

Simple touch screen interactions.  Standardized administration for maximum objectivity and reliability.


Screens for the earliest stages of all cognitive declines that are predictive of Alzheimer’s and other dementias.


No clinician resources or time required. Just 2-3 minutes of staff time.

Hearing impaired version

Test questions are audible for hearing patients and readable for the hearing impaired.

The following neuropsychological tests were used to assess the validity of the CANS-MCI in studies supported by grants from the Veterans Administration and the National Institute on Aging

  • Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (WMS-R)
  • Logical Memory Immediate and Delayed (LMS-I and LMS-II)
  • Mattis Dementia Rating Scale (DRS)
  • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Digit Symbol test
  • (Later validated against the MOCA and MMSE)
  • (Later correlated with CSF amyloid β 1-42 (Aβ) and tau levels)

Hardware Requirements…



Any Windows operating system

With audio capability, speakers, and video circuitry capable of displaying 640 x 480 resolution with preserved aspect ratio.



Touchscreen display between 13.3 and 17 inches

For portability and ease-of-use we recommend a “convertible”, “hybrid”, or “2-in-1” notebook / laptop.  Surface Pro tablets (native 2:3 ratio) and point of sale monitors (native 4:3 ratio) are also fine.



Connection to the Internet

If you don’t have access to the Internet during tests you may upload sessions once you reconnect.
Surface Pro and 2-in-1 hybrid notebook computer